Articles by Results

Global 8D – D0: Prepare for the G8D process

Posted by Graham Cripps on Thu, Jul 30, 2015 @ 09:00 AM

Global 8D – D0: Prepare for the G8D process

Introduction - D0 Prepare for the Global 8D process (and establish the Emergency Response Action)




This is the first article in a series of nine that I will be publishing over the next two weeks, they will give a high level explanation of the  Global 8D Problem Solving process. In the this article I will be looking at the first step.

Each step will be complete with access to tools and templates that support the G8D process as well as those hints and help topics that would normally be included in our training program.

The steps are: 

D0 – Prepare for the G8D process

D1 – Establish the Team

D2 – Describe the problem

D3 – Develop the Interim Containment Action (ICA)

D4 – Define and verify root cause and escape point

D5 – Implement and validate the Permanent Corrective Action (PCA)

D6 - Implement and validate the PCA

D7 – Prevent recurrence

D8 – Recognise team and individual contributions

As we go through the G8D process I will be using a number of terms that may not be familiar to everyone. In all cases I will try and pre-empt your questions. However, if you need any further explanations you can contact me via our web site and I will do my best to assist you.

D0 – Prepare for the G8D Process

There are three activities within this first step: -

  • Determine if the problem warrants the effort of a full G8D process.

  • Protect the customer

  • Complete the G8D repsort

If it is established that a full G8D is not required then a simpler problem solving model should be used that will solve the problem at root cause.

Root cause is the level at which, when identified and eliminated, the problem cannot recur.

Determine if the problem warrants the effort of a full G8D process

The G8D process is a team based problem solving methodology. Team members will be involved, some times over long periods of time, in this problem solving activity. The G8D process is used if a problem meets the following criteria, it:

  • Has a definition of the symptom(s) - the symptom has been quantified.

  • Has identified the customer(s) and affected parties who experienced the symptom(s).

  • Has measurements to quantify the symptom(s) and demonstrate that a performance gap exists, and/or the priority (severity, urgency, growth) of the symptom warrants initiation of the process.

  • Has an unknown cause.

  • Has management commitment to dedicating the necessary resources to fix the problem at root cause level and to prevent recurrence.

  • Has a problem symptom complexity that exceeds the ability of one person to resolve the problem.

If any of the above is not met then a practical problem solving method should be applied. e.g. 5Y’s analysis etc.

Protect the customer

Protect the customer from the effects of the problem (symptom) by introducing an Emergency Response Action (ERA), this could either be an external or internal customer. The purpose of the ERA is to protect the customer from the effects of the problem and 'buy time' to be able to solve the problem at route cause.

The ERA should be verified before full implementation to ensure that it stops the symptom reaching the customer.i.e. should switch problem off whan put in place and switch problem on again when removed. Note: in some complex sittuations it may be necessary to model the ERA for verification purposes.

By its nature an ERA will add cost, so it is important to resolve the problem as quickly as possible. Once the problem has been fully understood, the ERA is reviewed and replaced with an Interim Containment Action (ICA). The ICA is normally more considered, and often more cost effective, than the ERA. We will discuss this further in D3.

Complete the G8D report (Template)

The G8D report has is a reporting summary for the G8D process efforts and is designed to be completed at each stage of the process (D0 to D8)

Global 8D Report


The report is laid out to facilitate a summary report at each stage of the process. This must be fully supported by all the data and activity reports that will be generated as a result of the problem solving effort.

The G8D report cannot be completed without the problem solving effort having identified the root cause(s) and the necessary corrective actions having taken place.

At every stage effort needs to be made to gather and record the necessary data and information to ensure the corrective actions are effective and for the business to benefit from the lessons learnt.

Assessing Questions

At the end of each stage there are a number of assessing questions that should be asked by the team leader or champion to ensure that all the factors have been considered and all necessary actions completed. 

You can download a copy below

I hope you will join me again for the next article when I will be discussing how to form an effective G8D Team.

Graham Cripps

Results Consortium Ltd

Download Your Global 8D Assessing Questions


Topics: Root Cause, root cause analysis, Global 8D, G8D, Interim Containment Action, Permenant Corrective Action, 8D, 8D benefits, Continuous Improvement

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